What Wednesday: Carnitine Supplements

In today’s lesson, we are going to learn all about Carnitine. This ingredient people are taking calling it the “holy grail” of supplements. Usually, that means burning fat while building muscle at the same time. 

We have some products in the past like Bio-Gro that had this label, and rightfully so. The mechanism of Bio-Gro compared to Carnitine is different because Bio-Gro builds more muscle while Carnitine burns more fat. Where they both are the same is the protection of muscle breakdown. Carnitine has been proven to prevent the body from breaking down tissue to feed the body's need for energy (hence, protects muscle). 

Carnitine is all-natural - you find it in your foods (mainly meats) and your body makes it daily. 

Carnitine helps your body use stored fat for everyday energy. You burn fat with the help of carnitine. You should thank Carnitine all the time throughout your cut. 

There are three types of Carnitine and you should be taking each one! 

Acetyl L-Carnitine: Often called ALCAR, this is the most effective form of Carnitine for the brain that will help regenerate the cells in the neuro tissue.

L-Carnitine: This is the form of carnitine used for its findings in the circulatory studies and helps with blood flow. 

L-Carnitine Tartrate: This is the fastest absorbing form of Carnitine which has been proven to aid in muscle recovery

CP Carnitine Supplement

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