What Wednesday: Huperzine and Choline
What Is It: Huperzine A is really a Chinese plant called Club Moss - really, you couldn't come up with a better name. Huperzine prevents the breakdown of AcetylCholine in the brain which is essential for learning and memory.
Choline is made in the liver and found in many foods to enhance your CNS or Central Nervous System.
Use: Huperzine is used for memory and learning functions by giving your brain superpowers. Okay, it feels like that but it allows your brain to be more alert and retain more information.
Choline can be used for numerous purposes but really shine for athletes in mental endurance preventing fatigue.
Lamens Terms: Taking Huperzine will allow your brain to work better both in the gym and in the classroom.
Choline allows your enhanced focus to last longer preventing that dreaded crash.
Check out this product with both:
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