Transformation Thursday: CP Rep Jenna Austell

Jenna Austell     (@jennakatherinefit)

1.What has been the biggest struggle you have had to overcome?

The biggest struggle I've had to overcome was definitely admitted I could not control my health by myself. I finally admitted myself into an inpatient unit for those with severe eating disorders where I gave up all control.

2. What made you realize you finally wanted to change?

I finally realized I wanted to change/receive help when I cried and had a full blown panic attack when my mom made me eat a brownie. I then realized this wasn't normal even for those who try to be healthy.

3. Did social media have a big effect in your life?

Social media honestly didn't have that big of an effect on me at least not that I noticed. I had always been thin, but of course I wanted to be more toned and the best version of me possible (though I never really had anything pictured I just knew I didn't like how I looked).

4. How did you put yourself in the mindset to eat more?

Honestly in therapy I learned how to actually take care of my body. It was through proper education and seeing what not eating did to my body. It made my heart rate drop to the 40s, not able to walk around due to risk of heart attack (I was confined to a wheelchair for 2 weeks) and made me a walking skeleton with no muscle or fat on me.

5. What does your diet look like?

Currently I just ended my bulk, and now entering my cut. I'm slowly decreasing my calories from my bulk. I follow iifym but try to stay with Whole Foods but I'm a big sweet tooth for sure!

6. Do you take any supplements?

I take protein powder (my favorites are iSatori Whey, PEScience, and Quest), ISO-amino BCAAs, LipoDrex, pre workout (Fuel), and while on bulk I use creatine as well.


7. What are some of your favorite exercises in the gym?

My favorite exercises are deadlifts, lateral pull downs, leg press, skull crushers, 7x7x7 bicep curls, and back squats!

8. What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my commitment to recovery and not slipping back into a dangerous place.

9. What advice do you have for other people looking to transform themselves?

Believe in yourself. You can attain more than you think, and tell people your goals to keep you accountable!

10. What goals do you have for yourself in the future?

I plan to compete in my first bikini comp in 2017 and work at an adult psychiatric unit as an intern this summer

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