Pushed Back but Never Knocked Down
My good friends and former roommates over at Campus Protein asked me if I’d help contribute to a guest blog for the company. And while I know next to nothing about blogging and would consider myself as knowledgeable about supplements as the average fraternal brothern, the company has had too large of an impact on me, my family and closest friends for me not to write a testimonial.
I have seen the company go through 3 years of growth starting from a simple, clear idea to transition into the premier online supplement platform targeted towards the college students that it is today. The key to its success: “best prices, with reliable and unbeatable shipping times.” And while this format targets the college students who flock to any $2 Tuesday for a drink, it obviously has universal appeal as a business model. The college student needs Campus Protein; when they are done with their supplements and want to re-up on their supply, CP allows them to do it same day and stay within that “college budget.”
My entire frat used Campus Protein in some capacity whether it was for the best deal on supplements, vitamins, drinks (even sell a personal favorite in Vita Coco) or strictly to buy one of their tanks. I know everywhere you looked on Spring Break, there was a CP Tank. CEO Russell Saks will not go to the gym without one and Mike Yewdell has a degree in apparel, the tanks are the real deal. Sometimes I wear the tanks because they are so fly, but most recently I used my CP tank as decoration in my new Chi town apartment.
Rockin the Tanks
Campus Protein will always be important to me, but where CP truly landed a special place in my heart was after my dad went through a battle with cancer about 2 years ago. After 8 months and a stretch of radiation and chemotherapy treatments, my dad had lost close to 50 pounds. And while after treatment he was cancer-free, my father was a shell of the person he was physically just a year before. With a new lease on life and the need to get his body back in shape, I asked upon the guys at CP to offer some advice. I needed to help by dad gain back the weight he lost so that he could get back to a healthy weight. The guys had my dad on the best tasting and most effective supplements for what he needed. They offered him mass gainer called Serious Mass. With every order our family placed, they would always take care of my dad. Whether it was free samples or free shakers, they would take the time out to make sure that my father got the best and I will never forget that. With a new diet, exercise plan and a few supplements from CP my dad had a commitment to fitness that I hadn’t seen out of him before. He’s now back at a healthy weight and will continually give Campus Protein credit for helping him get there. It has been a long journey, but seeing my dad go through that long and painful process, I am so happy to see him healthy today.
Seeing the motivation my father had and his desire to rebuild himself, I couldn’t help but feel inspired. Some people let unexpected life incidents to change them forever. However, my fathers ability to continue through this speed bump in his life has pushed me to become a stronger person. Nothing in my life will compare to what he has gone through but trying my best to live a healthy/intelligent life is all the preparation I could ask for. To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes: “Living your life happy and healthy isn’t a trend or a luxury, its a necessity.”
You don’t have to be a college kid or gym rat to know a great deal and great product. Whether you have relied on supplements for fitness your entire life, want to get in shape for the next spring break or you just want to learn about having a healthier lifestyle, Campus Protein has the products, service, and information to get you what you need.
Repping Campus Protein has always been an honor to me. I am so proud of what these boys have been able to do and I cannot wait to see what comes next for them.
Thanks for hearing my story and hope this motivates some of you to live a healthier life!
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