The Resolution AFTER New Years…

Well…… I’M BACK!

Hope you’ve missed my witty remarks and sarcasm.

In light of the New Year, I think it’s appropriate to address some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions and some tips to help keep your fat asses motivated.

New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies; they’re FUN as hell to make, but extremely difficult to maintain. I read that about 75% of people stick to their goals for at least a week, and less than half (46%) are still on target for about five months. Most just go back to old habits.

Which percentage do you want to be?

That’s what I thought!

Don’t worry, you’re in good hands.

So some of the healthiest and most popular New Year’s resolutions are as follows:

1)    TO LOSE WEIGHT: This has to be the most popular new year’s resolution ever. Come January 1st, gyms and health clubs are PACKED! (I HATED/LOVED it.) People are getting their resolutions started and trying to change their lifestyles. In order for you guys to keep yourselves motivated, you need to always think back and reassess your resolution daily, preferably in the morning or before you work out. SELF-MOTIVATE yourself! Take an upper,pre workout, or something that gets you going. Don’t give up. Little things help along the way as well. Take a before picture to look at and KNOW that your after picture will be that much closer. KEEP IT UP

2)    QUIT SMOKING: Probably one of the most difficult and common resolutions. But if you want a healthy lifestyle like me, you’re going to need to quit smoking. First off, it’s disgusting and a HUGE turnoff. It’s also pretty bad for you and your lungs. Try running 3, 2 or even 1 mile with smoker’s lungs. Good luck! There’s so many methods out there to help you quit. Seek out the best one for you and do it! No one ever said it was going to be easy.

3)    SAVE MONEY: Saving money by making healthy lifestyle changes. Walk or ride a bike to work instead of taking a car, cab or subway. Try working out at home instead of joining a gym. Buy limited items from Whole Foods. There’s always ways to save money. Think about what’s important to you and what things you can cut back on and live without.

4)    CUT YOUR STRESS: Yoga is a big reliever of stress and anxiety, but also, try getting at least seven hours of sleep each night. Might be tough, but it’s a must! “Relaxation, sleep, socializing, and taking vacations are all things we tell ourselves we deserve but don’t allow ourselves to have”-The Super Stress Solution. Try some breathing or meditation exercises. It might help.

5)    VOLUNTEER: Try helping out a local soup kitchen or school drive. Anything to help involve yourself in the community and give back a little. It’s a good feeling to volunteer and help people that are less fortunate then you are. It may also be a great stress reliever.

6)    CUT BACK ON ALCOHOL: This is a big one. Not always the most successful one, but pretty popular. This one should be done in moderation. Try decreasing your alcohol intake one drink at a time. Gradually decline your intake day by day or week by week. It’s a process. Chronic heavy drinking boosts your risk of liver and heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and mental deterioration, and even cancers of the mouth, throat, liver and breasts. Ya, I know. Intense right? Sorry, but it’s the truth. It also goes straight to your belly!

7)    GET MORE SLEEP: This is a huge stress reliever. A typical person needs about seven to eight hours of sleep per night. It’s important to get just that! A rested body is a healthy body.Or…you can try ZMA! Best sleep of my life! And I got CP to even sell it (coming to CP this January)

8)    TRAVEL: Relax and enjoy the rewards of vacation time. Show off that body that you’ve been working on for months! Enjoy your loved ones and let loose. “It makes you feel rejuvenated and replenished.”

So those are some of the most realistic and popular resolutions that I know of. Don’t set a unrealistic goal. You want to set something that you know you can do. Plan ahead and put together a plan that helps you along the way. Have a specific daily goal so that you keep yourself on track!

It’s very important that you stick to your goals so you don’t slack and give up your resolution.

I believe in you! (HA HA)

It’s a new year. 2013 baby! LET’S GO!

Peace. Love. Protein. @CampusProtein


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