The Art of Picking Up Girls at the Gym.

I’ve had many requests from desperate men asking me to write this blog, and yes–it’s a guide to picking up girls at the gym.

Not as easy as it seems, by the way.

This guide is going to take you through each and every type of female that enters the gym and how to approach her the correct way.

Well, there is no one correct way, but there are certainly wrong ways, which I will point out to you.

Cockiness aside, I wouldn’t say I’m “bad” at picking up girls at the gym, but I’m alright.

As you will soon find out, there are so many different types of girls that enter the gym. It’s hard to tell who’s there to get toned or get boned.

Anyways, shall we begin??

There are four types of girls that go to the gym:

There’s the girl who wears tight spandex and a tight tank top that you see entering the gym but never again because she disappears to the yoga studio or the zumba moomba room. She’s the kind of girl that you wish to watch working out, but she’s more focused and into those classes that are offered. Some advice, forget about her. Not going to happen.

Next there is the silent type. The girl that wears an old, baggy t-shirt and is locked into her music. She’s the type of girl that is not interested in socializing, so you can also forget about her. If she wanted to be bothered by you, she would have at least worn some make up or something semi-attractive, something to give you a sign. She’s either taken or plays for the other team. Try again.

The next breed is the social butterfly. Now this is the girl that you want to be focusing on. She’s the one that’s always talking to someone and smiling and looking fantastic. Take advantage of this and help her out.

The next and last type of girl is what I like to call the “brainteaser”. This is the type of girl that shows a little bit of all the qualities of the above women. This type is extremely difficult to read, so I suggest you lay low and just play your game. Play it simple and don’t let it bother you. Just focus on your workout and make eye contact when possible, and I promise it’ll work. The time will come and you’ll know.

So those are basically the four types of girls that you may encounter at the gym or at your local fitness hole.

Now there are the right things to say to a girl at the gym and then there are wrong and just plain stupid things to say to girls at the gym. Listen up meatheads–no girl wants to hear about your tri’s or bi’s, how many reps youve done, and they certainly aren’t interested in your criticism.

One thousand one, one thousand two….

You just need to relax and set a non-threatening tone. If you see that she’s doing a workout wrong, calmly approach and offer some help or show her an alternative workout. This is a very sensitive subject and it can go south in a flash.

WARNING: If the subject does go south, the best thing you can do is faint, run away, or be a man and apologize and offer your assistance. You can also say you’re a certified personal trainer and make her feel dumb. That’s always fun!

You DO NOT want to stare, criticize, creep, lurk, wet-your-lips, stare, stare or stare.

I cannot stress that enough. You can glimpse, or if you make eye contact, smile. Positive vibes helps a lot.

A major plus would also be to be friendly with trainers and the staff at the gym. Girls feel less threatened when they see you’re having fun and laughing with the staff or just your “gym buddies”. Make the environment around you positive and happy. It can only help your case.

I certainly have my “gym crew”. We laugh, we have fun and our vibes and good humor certainly rubs off on others at the gym. One of my really good friends is a trainer at the gym I go to and when people see us joking and having a good time, it sparks a ripple effect of conversations in the gym. It’s contagious.

Now, once you’ve mastered all of the above and you’ve got a girl’s attention and your chatting and “gym buddies”, you want to be very careful because “gym buddies” can EASILY lead into the “friend zone.” You need to watch what you say. Small talk is KEY. I would try to refrain from personal talk at this point in the game. Wait until you actually ask her out on a date, then you can get personal. Right now you’re just planting the seed and working day-to-day on just initiating conversations that are light and friendly and non-threatening. You can approach her at the water fountain, or at the stretching area or even at a machine that she’s waiting for.

Every girl is different, so you might want to wait a few days till you initiate something more. You don’t want to wait too long because someone may be one step ahead of you.

But all in all, it’s the gym and you’re mainly there for one reason and one reason only and that’s to look like me, which is nearly impossible.

Hope you enjoyed my words of wisdom.

Peace. Love. Protein. @CP


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