Multi-Dimensional Strength Training Starts Now
My routines are a mind-fucking, physical challenge that will get you to do things you never thought your body was capable of doing, and you’ll feel a high better than any drug.
Last week, I introduced my origin story. Today’s post will show you what my fitness side is all about. I’m going to start you off with a Five-Day-Split Workout Plan of my choosing and then I’ll provide an excerpt from my Workout Handbook.
Multi-Dimensional Strength: my correct theory that will improve everything in your fitness
It’s wrong to define strength as how heavy a person can lift. Strength deserves to be a broader concept that grasps FITNESS IN ITS ENTIRETY: heavy weights, but also lighter to middle weights, cardio, endurance, stamina, conditioning, mentality, pound-for-pound power, and more.
Back in the BigBerg days, weighing-in at roughly 200lbs of saturated fat, my strength was one-dimensional: lifting heavy weights for low repetition. After a few pats on the back, nobody gave a shit that I used 5 seconds of energy to bench 300lbs for just one rep.
But today, weighing-in at roughly 160lbs of lean muscle and low body fat, I’m a professional practitioner of Multi-Dimensional Strength. I’m pound-for-pound the strongest I’ve ever been, while also able to run like hell. Most prominent lifters suck at running, and I’m proud not to be a member of that club.
Follow my lead to become the next Hulk and know that you’re better off better at everything than good at just one thing.
Below is a sample Five-Day-Split workout plan. Do all five workouts in order, each on a different day, and then start over from the beginning. Do your best, and do what you can. This is the real deal. Perform each lift back-to-back for the specified number of rounds, resting 60-90 seconds between each round. The numbers next to each lift are the reps, given either at a range or strict number, correlating with however many rounds there are.
I cannot sit and type explanations for each lift. I assume most of you reading will understand most of the lifts, but if not, they’re easy to lookup. A rest day is okay, but do not rest two days in a row.
Workout 1: Back & Triceps
- 6 Round Circuit
- Standing Bent Over Underhand Bar Rows: 25-30, 15-20, 12-15, 12-15, 10-12, 10-12
- Lat Pulldown Machine 15-20, 15-20, 12-15, 12-15, 10-12, 10-12
- Standing Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Flies 10-15
- 4 Round Superset:
- Weighted Dips 10-15 (hold a dumbbell between your ankles and dip slightly below a 90-degree angle)
- V-Up Crunches holding a Dumbbell 20
- 4 Round Circuit:
- Bar Reverse Skull Crushers 10, 10, 15-20, 15-20
- Bar Close-Grip Bench Press while Holding a Straight, 45-Degree Angle Leg Lift 10-15
- Wide V-Bar Row Machine 10-15
- Run 4 Miles (Just get the distance and try not to walk)
Workout 2: Legs
- 6 Round Superset:
- Bar Deep Back Squats 8-15 (you better squat below 90-degrees)
- Leg Curl Machine 8-15
- 4 Round Circuit:
- Bar Alternating Backwards Lunges 8-12 each leg (16-24 total)
- Leg Extensions Machine 15, 12, 12, 10
- Seated Calf Raise Machine 10-15
- 3 Round Superset:
- Kettleball Swings 20
- Weighted Situps on Decline Bench 20-30 (hold a plate along your chest)
Workout 3: Shoulders & Traps
- 6 Round Circuit:
- Standing Bar Overhead Press 15, 12, 12, 8, 8, 15
- Standing Dumbbell Front Raise 20, 15, 15, 10, 10, 25
- Standing Dumbbell Shrugs 10-15
- 4 Round Circuit:
- Straight Bar Shrugs 10-15
- Standing Dumbbell Side Raise 10-15
- Standing Dumbbell Military Press 10-15, 10-15, 10-15, 25
- Run 3 Miles
Workout 4: Chest & Biceps
- 5 Round Circuit
- Dumbbell Incline Bench 25, 8, 8, 8, 20 (HIT YOUR CHEST)
- Standing Dumbbell Straight Curls 20-25, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 20-25
- Dumbbell Flies on a Ball 25, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 20
- 5 Round Superset
- Standing Straight Bar Close-Grip Curl 8-15
- Dumbbell Bench lying on Ball 8-15 (HIT YOUR CHEST)
- 5 Round Superset
- Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls 12-20
- Standing Underhand Cable Flies 12-20
- Lying Down Leg Lifts with Dumbbell between Ankles 20
- Cable Crunches 20-30
- Slow Crunches on Ball 30-50
Workout 5: CARDIO DAY
- MINUMUM of 45-Minutes of Straight Cardio…..this is where I do long runs (17 miles next week). I recommend you do my version of HIIT, which is high intensity interval training by jogging and running. Do your best not to walk, because we walk enough throughout the day (like me walking to class), so why incorporate that in our workouts?
Excerpt From LeanBerg’s Workout Handbook
- PROTEIN, PROTEIN, AND PROTEIN. Gold Standard Whey is an awesome, affordable post-workout product. Drink 1-2 servings of that shit immediately after every workout.
- PRE-WORKOUTS HELP. Many of my workouts start as early as 4:45AM. C4 is the most well know pre workout out there and has helped me get through those drowsy mornings. Also, rumor has it that Campus Protein came out with their own pre workout
$20.00 for a Month Supply!
thats even better than C4 (had to do it lol).
- CREATINE HELPS BUILD MUSCLE Cellucor and Muscle Pharm both do a great job with their products. But if you don’t do your cardio while taking creatine, you’ll become a tubby, overly bloated weirdo.
- ARM DAYS ARE FUN, but they’re easier workouts. Don’t heavily rely on them.
- CHEST DAYS ARE REST DAYS, because working out while lying down is still resting. I’m lying down during naptime too.
- ALL HAIL LEG WORKOUTS, but they’re also good to pair with shoulders so you can add presses to your squats, lunges, and split-squats.
- SUPERSETS, CIRCUITS…OH MY GOSH! Single-set lifting is too easy. You just pick shit up and put shit back down, whereas my style produces Multi-Dimensional Strength.
- DON’T WORRY ABOUT WEIGHT. Gains will come. Producing gains with higher reps is indeed more difficult, but also more awarding with definition and muscles that actually pop out.
- FOCUS MORE ON MID-HIGH REPS. Reps are Thor’s hammer in directing the body’s shape and composition. Don’t be one of those fat, 1-rep max lifters. Those guys really look like disguised donut gurus rather than physically fit.
- INCORPORATE EVERY-GODDAMN-THING IN SOME WAY. You name it, and I do it. I had a dream that all kinds of workouts were treated equally, and now that dream is part of my reality While I just said to focus more on mid-high reps, adding in lower reps is good to mix things up or create rep pyramids.
- LIFT EVERY SET TO FAILURE. Don’t ever stop when you can do more reps. You need full fatigue to get the best results.
- DO YOUR CARDIO, BECAUSE LIFTING SHAPES YOUR BODY WHILE CARDIO SHAPES YOUR CONDITIONING! I’d have a lot more body fat if I did everything I do now minus the cardio. Cardio is the Holy Grail, and running is God.
- DON’T NEGELCT YOUR ABS. Too many people say lifting works enough of their abs, but that’s false. It’s usually the people with no abs saying that. The best way is either by an abs circuit/superset or including abs within lifting circuits/supersets.
- WEIGHTED ABS > CRUNCHES. Treat your abs like you treat any normal muscle, and they’ll respond by showing more. My biceps are not going to bulge out if I do air bicep curls.
- To have Multi-Dimensional Strength, hold tightly and grasp onto the most important formula of the day:
CONDITIONING > STRENGTH, and that’s the bottom line because LeanBerg (not Stone Cold) said so.
Going ALL IN is a commitment, so EMBRACE THIS SHIT.
I’ll see you next Wednesday when I detail stuff that I feel like detailing. I don’t know what yet, but I promise I’ll know when I know. Best of luck to anyone who begins the Five-Day-Split. Stick to it and you won’t regret it.
Do not forget where you came from, but always strive to get better! – Leanberg
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