Boys, Fashion and Fitness with Mel Rose

Mel Rose

NYC YuTuber and blogger @officialmelrose

How did you get started vlogging?

I started vlogging in January of 09', with little to no idea what I was doing. I just happen to stumble upon this little YouTube community while watching cute kitten videos, and thought, "Hey, I can totally do that." Six years later, I'm still here.

How do you feel knowing so many people watch your videos and see your posts everyday?

It took a while for me to come to terms with the fact that so many people had their eyes on me. It's a great feeling to know that my audience is generally interested in my everyday life outside of YouTube, but it definitely wasn't easy in the beginning. I felt a little exposed and still even to this day it can be a bit hard. More so on my friends, who hate when I tag them in stuff. They end up getting new followers and friend requests, it's kind of funny (for me, at least.) Besides that though, I think it's pretty dope.


What are your must have every day items in your purse? 

I will never leave the house without hand sanitizer. NYC is fu*king gross, and the subway can be no joke sometimes. If I could take a bath in it after popping out of the station, I would. Also - pressed powder is a must for fixing up your makeup throughout the day. This is essential, ladies.

Which stores do you typically shop at?

Sometimes I feel really basic when I say this, but I love H&M. They are always on top of the trends, and you can pretty much buy a new wardrobe for $100. Aside from there, I have this weird obsession with random boutiques, so I find myself frequenting them a lot. There's this one in SoHo, Necessary Clothing, which I used to talk about all the time. They've now expanded to online retail, which I thought was pretty cool. They're still one of my favorites.


What are your favorite makeup brands?

Makeup Forever, hands down. Dolce & Gabbana, Too Faced, and Urban Decay also make the list.

Your Instagram food looks amazing, tell us about your food adventures!

Food is something that I am so passionate about. Coming from an Italian family, I practically grew up in a kitchen. When I'm not challenging myself and attempting to create some sort of masterpiece (I like to think of it that way), I love trying out new places around the city. My Instagram turned into an extension of that, and now houses more food photos that I originally anticipated it would. Side note: what's up with people who don't like food photos? What is wrong with you monsters?


How do you recommend a guy picks up a girl at the gym?

That's easy, don't. Just kidding, just kidding. But no really, don't.

What are some good first date ideas?

I think it's important to try and get a sense of that persons interest before planning the first date. With Google being at our disposal, it's not that difficult to check out someones social media and see what they're into. If you're totally stumped, a cute tapas place is always a good idea. It says "hey, lets go eat small foods together and talk in a quiet environment so I can actually get to know you." You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so whatever you do - make it good.


Would you ever approach a guy first somewhere?

I personally think more women should be the first to approach a guy that they're into. Why are you even wasting time? Go awkwardly stand close to him at the bar while pretending to wait for the bartender like a goddamn adult.

How can someone manage to stay fit while being in college?

The freshmen 15 is so. damn. real. I recommend putting together some sort of goal board or meal plan. There's a bajillion different ideas on Pinterest for sorting out meals, even for you college kids. Staying fit is more so about your diet than it is working out (unless you're trying to get ripped), so using the excuse that you don't have time for the gym is bullshit. Quit the 3AM drunken pizzas and stay focused on what you're putting into your body.


Where do you shop for gym clothes?

Usually Victoria's Secret or anywhere that sells Under Armor. Total opposites, I know, but those are my go-to.

What does a guys sneaker tell about him?

 I think this is a penis question so the 13-year old in me is laughing. If it's not, I apologize for my immaturity. I think a guys sneakers say a lot about him. How put together he keeps himself, and a look into his own personal style. Is he a Nike or an Adidas type of guy? Would he pair Yeezy Boots with harem pants? These are important questions you must asked yourself.

Most attractive muscle on a guy?

I'm a back kind of gal. Muscular backs just do it for me. It doesn't take much.

Any funny gym stories?

One time, about a year ago, I was working my legs when this dude walked up to me and recited the worst pick up line I have ever heard. "The word of the day is legs, so why don't we go home and spread the word?" I actually laughed in his face. Have to respect the effort. 

If you had an entrance song to describe you,what would it be?

It would probably be the Drunk in Love remix with Kanye. I have no idea why, but I love that song. Also -- a Lana Del Rey mashup of sorts.


Would you rather:

bis or tris Bis

looks or personality Personality, although let's cut the shit - you have to be attracted to the person as well. 

chocolate or vanilla Chocolate

squat or bench Squat

Nike or LuLu Nike

Insta or snapchat Insta

Campus Protein or the other guys… #TeamCP

Who has been your biggest inspiration?

I've had a lot of inspirations throughout my whole life. My biggest one, though, has always been my mom. I lost her when I was just entering my teenage years, and she's always been someone I've wanted to make proud. Whenever I feel lazy or like giving up, I push through because I know it's what she would do. 

What has been the weirdest encounter with a fan?

For the most part, my followers are pretty awesome, and I've been lucky to not have a freaky encounter..yet. Whenever I meet my followers in the street, it's usually a whole lot of hugging and laughing and girl-ing out. I even did a shot with one once. Sidenote: I actually hate calling them followers and fans, though. It makes me feel like I'm running a cult, although I'm not saying I wouldn't make a pretty dope leader. Tom me, they are more like friendscribers and supporters. Without them - I wouldn't be here.

Are you currently taking any supplements?

I'm currently obsessed with the Fitmiss Delight protein shake in the flavor chocolate delight. I've tried it both blended on its own, as well as with the addition of frozen bananas. Both are amazing, plus it literally keeps me full for hours. If you're having a hard time curbing that chocolate craving, this one's for you.


What are some diet tips for people looking to lose weight?

I can't stress enough how awesome apple cider vinegar is for people looking to shed some extra weight. Although some are skeptic, there has been research done that proves ACV helps detoxify your body, as well as control blood sugar levels and suppress the appetite. Adding a teaspoon to your morning glass of water is a small task to complete to reap the benefits.

What do you hope for in the future?

I get this question a lot, and I always have the same response. I have no fucking idea. What I can say is that I hope to always be happy doing whatever it is that I'm doing, and that this never starts to feel like a job. While it's turned into a career for me, and has brought many opportunities my way, I've never once felt like I was working. My only hope is that it stays that way.

By Brooke Goldstein

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