Protein Cookie Dough


- 1 scoop protein powder 
- 2 tbsp (14g) coconut flour
- 2 tbsp (12g) PB2
- 2 tbsp (70g) mini chocolate chips
-  stevia to taste
- 2 tbsp apple sauce or pumpkin
- 2 tbsp almond milk or cashew milk

1. Place all ingredients in a bowl except for almond milk and apple sauce/pumpkin.
2. Place apple sauce/pumpkin and almond milk in a separate small bowl and stir.
3. GENTLY mix the liquid mixture (using your hands may be easier than a spoon because it will become a dough) into the dry ingredients until it becomes a dough consistency. You may need to add slightly more apple sauce/pumpkin and almond milk mixture depending on the type of protein powder you use.
4. Form dough into a ball (or mini-balls), wrap it with saran wrap, and refrigerate 6 hours. Enjoy!


Macros: 392 kcal -- 12F/38C/33P

Recipe by: @themacroexperiment

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