30 X 30 Trainer

You want to look your best on spring break?
Well, I want 30 days from you.
30 days to get in incredible shape.
30 days to ramp up your training.
30 days to reach a goal you’re about to write down.
In 30 days you’re going to be able to turn some heads no matter where your spring break takes you.
Believe me, I remember those days.
30 days is all I’m asking.
1 month to turn those pipe dreams into reality.
1 month of tunnel vision and then one of the most memorable weeks of your life.
It’s not too much to ask. I know it. Deep down, you know it.
It’s 30 days of clean eating, supplementation and balls-to-the-wall training.
Embrace the challenge, welcome the grind and prepare for
In 30 days, you’ll be impressed.
Let’s get after it.
-Cory Gregory
Each of these workouts can be done in 30 minutes, but you may see 30 minutes and think you’re in for a cakewalk.
That’s where you would be sorely mistaken, emphasis on sore.
These are high-intensity, wear you out, send you crawling back to your dorm room, 30-minute killers.
Nothing about these will be easy, but did you expect anything less from the certified squat everyday maniac?
I’ve pulled out a lot of my favorite tricks to send your body into overdrive. I’ve got 100-rep work, supersets, tri-sets, quad sets, giant sets, prison workouts, high-intensity cardio, sprints, circuits and any other gem I can think of.
The goal was to make you word as hard as you can for 30 minutes with as little rest as possible.
Believe me, you’ll be cursing me for 30 minutes, but in 30 days, you’ll be thanking me.
As we’ll do with Nutrition, the supplementation on this program is very straightforward.
We’re not going to break the bank with a massive stack, but rather rely on convenience, cost and still giving you something effective.
If we’re trying to get lean, then a fat-burner is certainly necessary.
Shred Matrix and Carnitine Core comes into play there. A safe, effective fat burner that delivers results on a strong diet, which we’ve got set up for you.
The other is Combat Crunch, which is as convenient a snack as you’ll find. Plus it tastes as good as any candy bar out there, curing any cravings you’ll have over the next 30 days.
Finally, forget about having to map out a schedule for this stack. It’s as simple as that gym class you snuck into your schedule for an easy A.
Just take Shred and Carnitine when you get up and before lunch, and grab one Combat Crunch per day. Mission complete.
Lets dive into the Spring Break workout plan.
30 Days, 30 Workouts, 30 Minutes – Step it up, go like crazy for 30 days.
Rest Periods – Take a drink of water and then get back to work. If you’re getting these workouts done in 30 minutes you’re not going to be sitting around.
Attack these workouts, bust your ass for 30 minutes, work as hard as you can and the results will come.
6 workouts per week for 5 weeks – Monday through Friday and then 1 day on weekend (Sunday)
MONDAY - Old School Monday (Chest / Back)

SUNDAY - Sweat

I’m giving you a plan that is straightforward, cost-effective and incredibly easy plan to follow. You may need to work on adjusting the portions up or down depending on your frame, but this is the general guideline you need to follow if you want to get in great shape in 30 days.
I know this type of diet structure works because I’ve done – several times, in fact. It’s straightforward, easy to follow and can be done on a budget, leaving you no excuses. The good part is you get to choose when it calls for 6-8 oz. meat and your veggies. So if you have a preference, plug it in and enjoy.
The big part is just consistency. If you’re doing the workouts and taking the supplements, finish it off with a locked-in diet. It’s just 30 days and you’ll be extremely happy with the finished product.
Wake Up: Shred Matrix, Carnitine Core and then Train first thing
Post-workout/Breakfast: 3 whole eggs
Snack: Mixed Nuts. Take Shred Matrix and Carnitine Core 30 min. before lunch
Lunch: 6-8 oz. of meat with green veggies
Snack: Combat Crunch
Dinner: 6-8 oz. of meat with green veggies
Before Bed: 1 carbmaster yogurt (or single-digit sugar yogurt, or cottage cheese)
Note: Limit drinking alcohol to one day per week – keep cheat meals in check as well during 30 days. Remember what this is all about and remember what you want to look like at the end of 30 days. Challenge yourself!